Thursday 12 December 2013

Boybands and Best-sellers

I was a pre-teen in the golden age of boy-bands. Take That, East 17, the Backstreet Boys. Screaming girls hadn’t had it so good since Beetle Mania. I was a Boyzone girl at heart and Stephen Gately was my hero. I forced my Mum to buy me a t-shirt with his face on from our local market. Good times.

Boyzone in their prime....sigh...

I therefore feel particular sorry for today’s tween-age girls.  Not only do they have Facebook and Insta-shams to deal with, but the only faces gracing their t-shirts and bubble-gum painted bedroom walls are 5  pre-pubescent rejects from a reality TV show who got lucky being mates with Simon Cowell.

I am of course referring to global boy-band phenomenon, One Direction. Now I’m sure my scorn is disproportionate and the poor lads are just making the best of a  crazy situation but, come on, that Harry Styles fella is a dodgy character, no?

 He hides his secrets in all that hair...

Anyway, my first project at work was a One Direction watch range, one of which has just been crowned the highest volume selling watch (YTD)* within the AW13 Argos catalogue.

I didn’t design this watch, just helped it into being so it’s rather validating to know that the range has sold over 30,000 units with one retailer in just under a year. 

 The range consists of 4 models, 3 are swatch-style PVC and one a silver charm bracelet with a watch charm. All four can be bought from Argos stores and through the retailer’s website for £14.99

The bestselling model is hot-pink and features the 1D logo on the dial. Simple designs and easy to wear. I’m not at all surprised that the hot-pink has been the best-seller. Boy-bands+pink= £££. Someone really should remind Simon Cowell.

The pink watch has also been featured in Licensing Biz Daily here. I'm so proud. And ashamed. But mostly proud...

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