Friday 20 December 2013

Merry Christmas Watch Fans

It has been a crazy week in the world of watches and I'm taking a break from all things computerised until the 6th of January.

There is never a better time tha Christmas to switch off, power down and zone out.

As it's the last day at work (for some!) and, let's be honest, we'll all wearing Christmas jumpers today, I leave you with my favourite novelty Christmas watches to sit alongside your cheesy wooly jumpers.

First up, cheap and cheerful from River Island with a Fair Isle style print dial and snowy white strap.

It's a steal at £4.00, so perfect for Secret Santa gifts or a jokey stocking filler. preferably for someone you don't know that well, distant cousin perhaps...

Next up is the Chihuahua AngelPearlGirl (what a mouthful) Christmas Watch. A dream for all you miniature god lovers.
 This is via for $59.95 and is a customisable option so if you prefer your teeny weeny dogs in youd handbag instead of on your wrist then try adding a more personal Christmas motif like a snowman, reigndeer of your drunken Grandad asleep in his armchair. Aaah

For something a little more dressy comes the Snowflake charm watch from FunkyPinks on Etsy. The bracelet is made with a mixture of white and silver glass pearl, acrylic and filigree beads, and decorated with snowflake charms. the watch head is an antique style silver with a tiny, delicate dial opening.

These are also made in the UK so a very sweet gift for those who prefer a jewellery item over a full on timepiece.

Finally, because it wouldn't be Christmas without lashings of glitter, comes the black glitter and milti-glitter carousel bangle watches from Kate Spade.

Another jewellery inspired item, good with your party dresses or for dressing up a nice fuzzy, plain cashmere jumper. Both are $250 and can be bought here.

For those of you who don;t enjoy a cheesy Christmas jumper or a smattering of glitter, well, it;'s an empty life you lead.

To everyone else, enjoy a few days of mad clothing, presents you never actually wanted, family arguments nd falling asleep on your parents sofa because your bed was too far away from the Quality Streets.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

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