Tuesday 29 October 2013

Pantone Breakfast

Anyone who works is design knows Pantone. It is a universal colour measurement tool that I know my team would be lost without. Whatever the language barrier, everyone understands a Pantone reference. There is something comforting and solid about that.

I’m also a big fan of the brand itself and the ever growing range of merchandise that is available. This year I bought the Pantone Sweet Treat Engagement Calendar which sits next to my 520C coffee mug and my lovely boyfriend tracked down the 2013 colour of the year (FYI it’s 17-5641 Emerald) nail varnish too. 

 Pantone Engagement Diary. Delicious.

I’m a little obsessed, which is why I was delighted to find these bobbing around on Pintrest yesterday. I can’t trace the source, somewhere in France but I can't get a link unfortunately. Nevertheless I love the simplicity of the images and the link with delicious flavours and natural colouring. I wish my breakfast looked so appealing.

My favourite is the 7507C featuring white chocolate and bananas and the 222C that looks like a red velvet cupcake.

In a world where everything is open to interpretation, It's good to know that the colours that brighten my day belong to a universal system, neat and uniformed. I don't know any other creative tool that is so regimented and measured. I find it very comforting. I clearly have a touch of OCD. And now I want bananas on toast.

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